Launch of the new HBSC study website

The HBSC study is excited to announce the launch of our brand new website.

After months in the works, we are happy to welcome visitors to the new and improved version of our public website.

Our primary goal in launching this new website is to provide visitors with a responsive, user-friendly experience that offers easy access to key information about the study and materials such as reports and other publications.

The website features a refreshed look, improved navigation and a handful of features which will make the overall experience more impactful and user-friendly on desktop, mobile and tablet.

For members of the HBSC network, we have also updated our members’ site, which you can access through the ‘Network’ menu at the top of this site.

Further updates are planned for the the website, begining to be rolled out within the coming months, including: improved country profiles, policy impact cast studies, a methodology section, and a searchable publications directory.

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please let us know by emailing